We are proud to announce that Craig Carlson has officially joined Sibros as an Advisor! Craig has been involved with the company since day one, and we are happy to formalize the relationship. With his deep industry and technical background in connected vehicles, he brings a wealth of knowledge as we embark on the Sibros journey.
Craig currently serves as the CTO at Carbon. He joined in 2014 when Carbon was just 18 employees and has grown the diverse and successful engineering organization to over 100 members while being a significant contributor to the growth and culture of the entire company. Prior to Carbon, Craig was an executive at Tesla Motors, where he was VP of Software and Electrical Integration. He led the team that was responsible for all low-voltage electronics and all software that currently powers the Model S — from battery and motor control firmware, to the hardware and software that run the Model S in-car displays, to the Tesla mobile apps and server-based systems that connect to all Tesla vehicles on the road. Craig joined Tesla in 2007 to lead the firmware organization, beginning with the delivery of the first Tesla Roadsters in 2008. Prior to Tesla, Craig spent 15 years at Intuit, joining when Intuit acquired his company to start and lead development of QuickBooks. Craig was VP of Software Development for QuickBooks and led the development of QuickBooks Online.
Our CEO and co-founder Hemant first met Craig at Tesla back in 2010 and spent several years working under Craig’s direction at Tesla. Hemant shares the insights he learned:
“Craig led his team by example, and was an incredible leader, mentor and inspiration for me and many others in the organization. Craig is an incredible visionary and has helped create many industry defining products in his career. Today, I am proud to be working once again with Craig and look forward to a great partnership as he helps us build an iconic company.”
Welcome to the team, Craig!
Check our website for more information www.sibros.tech or send us an email at info@sibros.tech.